Wednesday 9 July 2014


this week is the end posting of geriatric....
for me 3 weeks like 3 days ...
time flies really fast.
i really love this posting bcoz i like to talk with elderly...
somepeople in the age of 86 years old, they still healthy and can share alot of experince with us..
and some of them have hearing problem(thats normal right?? maybe tampanic membrane dah x berapa kuat,easy to perforated)... but their memory are still intact..such a wonderful right???

some of them ade yg umur around 100 years old other medical illness except for having cataract in his eyes....i have an opportunity to talk with this noble and alim atuk...."atuk, bagi la petua sikit ...saya pom nk sihat macam atuk jugak"....atuk senyum jer..
.." atuk xde laaaa petua bnyk sangat pom....tapi yg atuk boleh bgytau dlm hidup ni kita kena jaga hubungan dgn Allah...setiap saat..setiap waktu, setiap tapak kita berjalan hati kena sentiasa egt Allah...Al quran kena sentiasa baca...and ade surah2 yg tertentu yg boleh kita beramal (atuk xsempat sharesurah ape yg dia selalu baca....and lagi satu jgn malas nk berjalan ak.a berexercise..atuk dulu active..^^...."
atuk tu sangt comel.....
bila dapat cakap dgn atuk ni, hati ni tersentuh...subhannalllah....kuat nye hubungan atuk dgn Allah Talla...sbb tu Allah Taala jaga atuk....dlm hati nyer x pernAH lupa Allah Taala....Allahuakhbar...

and other story , around 65 years old Indian male , come to the clinic geriatric in (nama hospital dirahsiakan).. last 2 week i think...
the patient presented with dementia more specific Alzeimers disease...he actually previously  worked as ex -head of department in certain hospital...kira orang bukan sebarangan ni tau!! orang bijak ni..all his family members are doctors except her wife is teacher. sedih tengok pakcik ni........bila buat test Mini Mental State, pakcik ni mmg x bnyk score.....tahun xegt....tarihk xegt...kalau lukis box yg triangle pom xdapat.....his brain is function is reduced....
.mesej yg ingin disampaikan sebenarnyer ialah walaupom kita ni bijak.....kebijakan itu hanya la pinjaman..Allah boleh tarik bila2 masa kan??nampak x???how great u are in ur career, u still servant of Allah Taala....Allah Taala berhak tarik ape sahaja nikmat2 yg diberi pinjam itu....bersyukur laaa dgn ape yg kita ade skrg yer kawan2 sbb kadang ape yg kita ade sekrang lagi better pd org lain....

~for me i believe one thing, kalau kita jaga Allah, Allah akan jaga kita..Allah Taala itu Maha Penyayang akan hambanya2 yg beriman dan bertaqwa...kat dunia lagi pom Allah dah tunjuk kemuliaan (macam atuk umur 100 tahun tu) orang yg sentiasa hati nyer dekat dengan Allah kan??
setiap dari kita kan diberi kesempatan untuk merasai setiap stage(dari baby kecik,kepada kanak2, remaja, dewasa, dan warga emas) tu kalau kita di panjangkan umor...
dah plan ke 6ti kita tua nk jdi elderly yg mcm mane??
kalau saya , saya nk jdi mcm atuk tu..^^..insyaallah...

bila posting elderly ni, banyak la jugak bgi aziera pelajaran baru..
rasaaaa lagi homesick jugak sbb both of my parent dah masuk kategori "warga emas" sbb kalau beli tiket bas, dapat discount warga emas(x sedar pulop mereka da tua, aser mcm muda jer..^^)
alhamdullillah both of my parent still healthy...syukur sangat2....

~ageing is not a disease but it is a physiological changes ..... treat them like what u want people to treat u when u are elderly.....~
so, lets us treat the elderly with full of love like we love our parents...spread the happiness to them...sometimes , they are so lonely....they need us to lend our ears to them....

~for me elderly is so cute......right???their cuteness can make our heart melting ......^_^

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